Home supports & companionship


Our Home Support Services & Companionship make each day lighter and smoother for our clients.

As Home Supports & Companionship we offer:

  • Life Admin 

  • Conversation and Companionship

  • Laundry

  • Meal preparation and Assistance with Shopping

  • Light Housekeeping

  • Recreational Activities

Whether you need a few hours of light housework per week or a full-time plan to assist with medications, preparing meals, payment services, and errands, our services can be personalised to meet your specific needs and goals. 

The goal of our Home Support services & companionship is to enhance your  life with positive stimulation and activity, allowing you to have a joyful and independent life in the comfort of your own home.

Life Admin 

We can assist with daily life admin, organising and prioritising necessities such as paying bills, making appointments, accessing services, advocacy support and doing errands.

Conversation and Companionship

Not only is loneliness and isolation a major concern, it is linked to health problems like depression, high blood pressure, and insomnia.

We give emotional support and encourage our clients to participate in social activities  and like chatting over a cup of tea as these small activities are a great way to maintain human contact on a daily basis which brings a better quality of life.


Our carers can assist with laundry, drying, ironing, and putting things away for you.

Meal Preparation and Assistance with Shopping

Considering good nutrition is such an important aspect in preserving people's health, our carers  can assist our clients with nutritional advice as well as grocery shopping, food preparation, and meal planning according to a client’s dietary needs.

Light Housekeeping

Our carers can assist our clients with light domestic services such as cleaning, changing bed sheets, bringing out the bins, hoovering, dusting, sweeping floors, cleaning bathroom, cleaning kitchen, counters, straightening rooms, organising closets and drawers, promoting a healthy environment for our clients.

Recreational Activities

We are delighted to help our customers keep active, whether it's taking a walk in the park, going out for coffee or a meal, assisting with technology like video chats, visiting clubs, church, or participating in their favourite hobbies and interests, and even teaching a new skill.


Arrange a personal care and support plan with the Great Care Co-op today