Our Services


We use a whole person approach to assess the needs of every client we care for and offer support in the areas of:


Personal Care for Good Health

Personal care is necessary for good health and maintaining self-esteem. We recognise that it can be challenging for some clients…

Home Supports & Companionship

Our Home Support services & companionship make each day lighter and smoother for our clients. Whether you need…

Appointments & Social Supports

We plan appointments and accompany our clients from their house to the appointment location in the community…


Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care

Studies suggest that people with dementia can preserve their capabilities and independence for longer by when they are engaged…

Respite Care

Respite care is a type of short-term care that involves a set of scheduled visits that might last anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks…

Chronic Illness

We support adults with any type of chronic condition or disability to live independently at home and in their community…


Home from Hospital

Coming home from the hospital can be difficult and stressful, our carers can help you make the transition as smooth as possible…

Palliative Care

Our Carers are trained in Palliative Care and they will guarantee that the client is comfortable and supported in the familiar…

Need something else?

Don’t see what you’re looking for? That’s ok, we’re all different. We’d love to hear from you about how we can support your unique needs.


Enabling your loved ones to Age Successfully in the home they know and love by providing a better form of care, through:







Information on Tax Relief

How does it work? 

If you require home care our dedicated team will support you every step of the way:

  • Great Care Co-op care team will talk you through the process during a free Care Consultation 

  • Tax relief can be claimed by the bill payer at their marginal rate of tax (either 20% or 40%)

  • You fill out a form called the HK1 ‘Claim for an Allowance for Employing a Carer’. 

  • Then you can claim tax relief at the end of the year, or monthly through your pay. You don’t have to wait until the end of the year

  • If you are not working or paying tax, you can receive this cash back through other members of your family up to a total of €75,000 at their marginal tax rate.

This could be your husband or wife’s pay, or a brother or a sister, or your son or daughter’s pay or your son-in-law or daughter-in-law’s pay. You simply put the bill for your care in their name and then they can claim the cash back through their salary.  

How do I apply for tax relief?

To apply for tax relief please complete the HK1 Form. This form allows you to claim a tax allowance if you are caring for a relative or spouse who is deemed incapacitated due to physical or mental infirmity. A relative includes a relation by marriage and a person in respect of whom the claimant is or was the legal guardian.

For more information read here.  


Arrange a personal care and support plan with the Great Care Co-op today