Appointments & Social supports in the local community


Help to plan appointments and attend local services, making your life a little easier. 

As Appointments & Social supports in the local community we can support you with:

  • Public Health Nurse 

  • GP

  • Hospital 

  • Barber, hairdresser, beauty salon

  • Chiropodist

  • Engage with community groups

The Great Care Co-op has the advantage of being able to plan appointments and accompany our clients from their house to the appointment location. Everything is made easier since we know the  local services and community from the Public Health Nurse, GP, the hospital where they attend, the barber, hairdresser, beauty salon, chiropodist, and their local friends.

We promote people maintaining social roles and relationships to combat loneliness and isolation.  We do this through our partnerships and knowledge of the local area.  We can support our clients through all processes from detecting a need for a health appointment to accompany them to this appointment, as we can support them from their own initiative to book a hairdresser or a barber for example.

We can facilitate their connection with community groups, hobby groups like gardening, singing, bridge, etc. 


Arrange a personal care and support plan with the Great Care Co-op today